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Family Share Phone Options | Family Share Plan |
$ 380.00 / month with a 7-day free trial
First Bill is in 7 days.
On our “Trade Back” plan. This gives you the lowest price per month. Bring the phone back every 24 months in good working condition and get a new phone. (see trade back for full details.) If you want to own the phone out right it is $10 more per month for 24 months or $240 at the end of your term. With a Net Live Premium Account. O.A.C.
+ 6 Months Free Live Membership. (Get 25% off accessories and discounts on products and services)
Activation fee $45, charged on first bill
Sim card $10, charged on first bill
Shipping $25, charged on first bill
First bill in 7 days or on the date the shipment is ready which ever is sooner.
Your in control of your bill.
*Get no surprises on your next bill with this great plan. To ensure that you have control over your bill we block all roaming, and long distance outside of Canada. To activate these options call our support team. Data is capped at the amount above. In the event that you reach your limit you will
be given the option to stop any more charges to your data overage or purchase extra blocks of data. Any data must be used in the current month and does not carry over to future months. Billing is with auto pay. A credit or debit card is required to be attached to your account for your monthly bills. Data is charged at $0.07 per Mb. This amount is paid at time of overage. Non payment may result in data being suspended.
Premium Account Details
Premium accounts are billed monthly by Flexiti via email. Customers can choose to pay by mail or online banking. All Premium accounts have 0% interest for up to 24 months and zero annual fees. Each approved customer will receive an account limit based on credit worthiness.
For transparency on all terms plans paid on your Net Live Premium Account, powered by Flexiti you will see the total term commitment on each statement with the declining balance each month. This way you know exactly where you are on your term and what amount is remaining.
Example: you sign up for 24 month term and you pay $100 per month. Your total term commitment would be $2,400. Each month it would reduce by $100 until the 24 months is completed. Upon completion of your term you will have the option to sign up for any new incentives at that time.
Family Share Phone Options | Family Share Plan |